Archive for 'News'

New Jobs and grants (September, 2013)

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PhD studentships available
Below are links to two funded PhD studentships within the School of Life, Sport and Social Sciences, Edinburgh Napier University. Closing date is 21st October. Please distribute to any potentially interested parties.

Aquatic non-native species: a closer look at their parasite fauna

Effects of underwater sound on aquatic invertebrates


Gilson Le Cren Memorial Award 2014: £4000 grant for research from the FBA

the Hugh Cary Gilson Memorial ...

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MS or PhD Research Assistantship in Desert Stream Ecology School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences University of Washington

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Responsibilities:  The Freshwater Ecology and Conservation Lab at the
University of Washington is looking for a highly motivated MS or PhD student
to explore the freshwater ecology of streams in the American Southwest.
Potential themes of study include (but are not limited to) ecohydrology,
invasive species, riverscape connectivity, fish species dispersal, and
community reassembly in response to extreme flooding and drought. Strong
possibility of working in other arid regions of the world exists. The
successful applicant will be advised by ...

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Advanced course ‘Introduction to meta-analysis and research synthesis in ecology’

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The advanced course ‘Introduction to meta-analysis and research synthesis in ecology’, organized by the Institute of Marine Research – Centre for Marine and Environmental Research (IMAR-CMA) and by the University of Coimbra, will take place at the University of Coimbra (Portugal) from 7 to 11 April 2014 and will be lectured by Professor Julia Koricheva (Royal Holloway University of London, UK).

All information is available at

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We are happy to announce you that the new EFYR board of representatives will be formed by Nuria Cid (Joint Research Center); Hugh Feeley (Cardiff University) and Miguel Cañedo-Argüelles (Oregon State University). We will do our best to bring all the EFYR matters to the attention of EFFS senior representatives and keep EFYR active as an important part of the EFFS. Feel free to contact us anytime, we are here to help young European scientists!



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Society for Freshwater Science – Student Resource Committee

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We are now in contact with our friends and colleagues at the SFS Student Resource Committee to promote collaboration between young freshwater scientists around the World!


The Society for Freshwater Science (SFS) is an international scientific organization whose purpose is to promote further understanding of freshwater ecosystems (rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, and estuaries) and ecosystems at the interface between aquatic and terrestrial habitats (wetlands, bogs, fens, riparian forests and grasslands). The ...

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Dear all,

The latest EFFS news, including all the issues brought up during the SEFS 8 meeting can be downloaded here:

Please take some time to read it. It contains important information for EFYR and it is an excellent newsletter.

There is an issue not included in the newsletter and EFFS is asking our opinion about it. EFFS is considering to offer the reduced student fee only to students who are already members of one of the Federated Societies. This way the reduced ...

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We are rebooting the British Ecological Society Aquatic Ecology SIG this year, with a new set of meetings and workshops, starting with an initial gathering at the joint BES – INTECOL 2013 meeting (18-23 August in London) to discuss ideas for events and special sessions at the next BES Annual Conference.

The BES AE group aims to bring together aquatic-minded individuals from all sectors to exchange skills, knowledge and ideas. As part of this aim we want to support early career ...

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Hi everyone

The EFYR must be young and dynamic, with new people entering from the bottom and not so young people leaving from the top, keeping a balance between Masters, PhDs, postdocs and junior scientist. We believe it’s time to a new person to take the lead of the EFYR, as Núria Bonada is getting a permanent position in 2 months. Is anyone willing to coordinate the EFYR activities?

Needless to say, it’s a work that needs to be done by all ...

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EFFS Award for the best PhD Dissertation in Freshwater Sciences

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1. The European Federation for Freshwater Sciences (EFFS) launches the EFFS Award for the best PhD Dissertation in Freshwater Sciences, which will recognize outstanding scientific and intellectual work in the field of Freshwater Sciences performed by Early Career Researchers in Europe.

2. Applicants for this Award will include all authors of doctoral theses submitted in Europe in the field of Freshwater Sciences. Applicants should be members of an Association related to Freshwater Sciences and affiliated to the European Federation for Freshwater ...

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Open access articles in Fundamental and Applied Limnology

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In the NEWS page of the EFFS website, a list of open access papers published on FAL in 2010/2011 has been posted

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